Gem improvements

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Value Dominion
27,389,710 🦂King
20,257,062 Cléante
17,934,880 burninator
15,679,329 Harpagon
15,424,241 Been Chilling
14,740,390 Heilung
9,924,088 Decisions Decisions
9,171,862 Dim is back
5,949,160 Frugia and Frugovina
5,744,748 Those who fight alone
5,703,007 Charge!
2,756,840 Half life
2,623,765 Dracarys
2,579,353 Devils Rejects
1,186,065 TICKLE
1,149,005 Mess with the bull ones, get the horned ones
772,651 Blood Suckers Anonymous 🩸
310,627 Barb food...