These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Dominion Ruler Faction Land
🥇 Beastly King Jota Beastfolk 6,213
🥈 Dracula 🦇 Mithrandir Demon 5,559
🥉 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷 Craghack2 Swarm 4,941

Deeds of Glory

Deed Dominion Ruler Faction
Victories: 29 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷 Craghack2 Swarm
Greatest offensive power sent: 318,025 Beastly King Jota Beastfolk
Land conquered: 4,464 Dracula 🦇 Mithrandir Demon

All Stats

Stat Value Top Dominion
Victories: 29 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷
Bottomfeeds: 16 Dracula 🦇
Successful defenses: 1 1st Dalmatian
Gold building: 16,678,981 Beastly
Gold training: 95,589,596 Beastly
Lumber building: 3,408,991 Beastly
Lumber training: 2,979,834 Rubicon
Lumber improvements: 34,741,314 1st Dalmatian
Lumber salvaged: 127,120 Rubicon
Ore salvaged: 0 1st Dalmatian
Gem salvaged: 0 1st Dalmatian
Mana training: 727,500 1st Dalmatian
Mana cast: 1,589,074 Beastly
Land conquered: 4,464 Dracula 🦇
Land discovered: 2,270 Beastly
Gold stolen: 749,440 1st Dalmatian
Food stolen: 95,985 1st Dalmatian
Self spells cast: 82 Dracula 🦇
Total draftees lost: 1,201 Rubicon
Total units killed: 37,001 Dracula 🦇
Total unit1 trained: 118,841 Dracula 🦇
Total unit1 lost: 32,546 Dracula 🦇
Total unit2 trained: 55,953 Beastly
Total unit2 lost: 18,568 Beastly
Total unit3 trained: 28,027 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷
Total unit3 lost: 2,444 1st Dalmatian
Total spies trained: 3,271 1st Dalmatian
Total wizards trained: 1,900 Rubicon
Wizards training: 233 Rubicon
Total archmages trained: 233 Rubicon
Draftees training: 99,320 Beastly
Greatest offensive power sent: 318,025 Beastly
Total offensive power sent: 2,254,017 Dracula 🦇
Greatest successful defensive power: 164,947 1st Dalmatian
Peasants lost to sorcery: 7,433 1st Dalmatian
Elk training: 7,275 1st Dalmatian
Sabotage damage suffered to draftees: 64 1st Dalmatian
World Spinner encounters: 16 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷
Razes: 0 1st Dalmatian
Failed invasions: 1 Rubicon
Times invaded: 6 Dracula 🦇
Gold bought: 430,866 Rubicon
Gold rezoning: 514,791 Beastly
Lumber sold: 861,734 Rubicon
Land lost: 1,087 Dracula 🦇
Greatest failed defensive power: 317,800 Dracula 🦇
Expeditions: 1 Rubicon
Peasants killed by sorcery: 7,433 Rubicon
Sorcery spells cast: 7 Beastly
Mana spent on sorcery: 394,014 Beastly
Wizard strength spent on sorcery: 83 Beastly
Sabotage damage dealt to draftees: 64 Rubicon
Gold sold: 994,400 Dracula 🦇
Ore bought: 548,410 Dracula 🦇
Ore building: 1,828,442 Dracula 🦇
Souls training: 55,136 Dracula 🦇
Blood training: 9,525,890 Dracula 🦇
Total unit4 lost: 7,333 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷
Peasants training: 118,841 Dracula 🦇
Blood improvements: 21,545,471 Dracula 🦇
Food training: 805,950 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷
Gem improvements: 5,629,210 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷
Total unit4 trained: 16,119 Seven Deadly Spiders 7️⃣🔫 🕷
Food lost: 95,985 Dracula 🦇
Ore sold: 211,854 Dracula 🦇
Spells broken: 3 Dracula 🦇
Gold lost: 749,440 Valar Dohaeris
Lumber bought: 250,000 Beastly
Ore training: 4,587,798 Beastly
Sorcery spells duration: 54 Beastly

Round Overview

Mode: Deathmatch
Target: 6,000 land
Ticks: 667
Start: 2023-09-07 04:00:00
Dominions: 35
Day Top OP
1 36,824
2 71,827
3 115,603
4 74,028
5 83,816
6 200,756
7 318,025