Gold building

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Value Dominion
27,662,342 Mithical Rocks 🪨
15,432,313 Testing4
10,109,790 Hookers
9,495,798 Lizard of War
8,819,602 Bl ... Show me where the pampers is
7,785,543 Amethyst
5,585,794 Darkness
4,909,615 Big Ol' Bowl of Troll
4,108,117 Qurs and Curs
3,707,461 Gemhoarders
2,808,292 Spreading Democracy
2,103,746 Blackjack
2,087,187 Vlad the Impaler 🦇🧛- Re-Origin
2,048,696 Silver
2,031,983 Recruiting Miners
1,870,712 Susie Q
1,552,172 Gnome you later
1,201,111 I look a little bit older... a little bit slower
26,350 Krakhouse