These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Dominion Ruler Faction Land
🥇 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire! King Jota Wood Elf 9,652
🥈 Neuschwanstein alphanidon Wood Elf 7,976
🥉 Dracarys Asanka4 Dragon 5,951

Deeds of Glory

Deed Dominion Ruler Faction
Victories: 42 Hit me you cant hurt me! Mad Cosula Afflicted
Greatest offensive power sent: 1,551,400 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire! King Jota Wood Elf
Land conquered: 4,322 Hit me you cant hurt me! Mad Cosula Afflicted

All Stats

Stat Value Top Dominion
Victories: 42 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Razes: 3 Ice in your veins
Failed invasions: 2 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Bottomfeeds: 15 Neuschwanstein
Successful defenses: 2 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Times invaded: 19 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Gold bought: 12,912,043 Neuschwanstein
Gold building: 21,465,726 Dracarys
Gold rezoning: 6,895,874 Neuschwanstein
Gold training: 147,744,550 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Gold lost: 14,851,244 M O N K E: Episode III - Revenge of the Chimp
Gold plundered: 0 Stall For a Few Lime
Food bought: 469,753 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Food training: 35,924,454 Poking for a view
Food plundered: 6,796 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Lumber sold: 21,569,221 Neuschwanstein
Lumber building: 2,189,102 Neuschwanstein
Lumber improvements: 167,564,907 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Lumber lost: 321,023 M O N K E: Episode III - Revenge of the Chimp
Lumber plundered: 719,254 Welcome to the Hippodrome
Ore plundered: 79,409 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Gem improvements: 11,266,879 You Reap What You Sow
Gem plundered: 74,402 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Mana cast: 1,980,877 Army of Blackness!
Mana plundered: 17,725 I'm gonna win!
Land conquered: 4,322 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Land discovered: 2,359 Neuschwanstein
Land lost: 2,133 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Info success: 340 🦅 Mordorian Eagle Riders 🌋
Info failure: 103 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Hostile success: 13 Pudge 2.0
Self spells cast: 94 Neuschwanstein
Info spells success: 310 🦅 Mordorian Eagle Riders 🌋
Info spells failure: 88 🦅 Mordorian Eagle Riders 🌋
Total units killed: 167,476 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Total units converted: 461,535 You Reap What You Sow
Total unit1 lost: 94,474 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Total unit2 lost: 69,106 Dormammu's Bargain Hunters
Total unit3 trained: 135,088 🦅 Mordorian Eagle Riders 🌋
Total unit3 lost: 158,769 Army of Blackness!
Total unit4 trained: 138,963 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Total unit4 lost: 21,797 Stall For a Few Lime
Total spies trained: 10,231 Neuschwanstein
Total spies lost: 822 🦅 Mordorian Eagle Riders 🌋
Total wizards trained: 40,854 Ice in your veins
Wizards training: 40,854 Ice in your veins
Total archmages trained: 9,695 Dormammu's Bargain Hunters
Draftees training: 264,314 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Greatest offensive power sent: 1,551,400 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Total offensive power sent: 14,908,430 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Greatest successful defensive power: 2,299,214 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Greatest failed defensive power: 1,235,384 Dracarys
Wizard strength damage: 2 Stall For a Few Lime
Food sold: 35,913,968 Dracarys
Gem training: 68,300,000 Ninja Duck!
Gem lost: 370,579 Pudge 2.0
Mana building: 4,571,051 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Mana training: 33,173,048 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Land explored: 1,608 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Info spells success: 36 Army of Blackness!
Spell improvements damage: 4,060,094 Army of Blackness!
Total unit1 trained: 131,484 Stormy Seas
Total unit2 trained: 212,028 Welcome to the Hippodrome
Total spies killed: 1,119 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Food lost: 393,174 I'm gonna win!
Ore building: 4,373,322 Dracarys
Ore training: 17,041,801 Stormy Seas
Gold stolen: 20,346,787 🦅 Mordorian Eagle Riders 🌋
Food stolen: 393,174 Poking for a view
Gems stolen: 486,272 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Theft success: 799 🦅 Mordorian Eagle Riders 🌋
Theft failure: 66 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Total wizards lost: 141 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Total spies killed: 246 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Ore improvements: 3,081,139 Dracarys
Morale training: 225,565 You Reap What You Sow
Invasion spells success: 112 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Invasion spells duration: 5,376 Hit me you cant hurt me!
Lumber training: 18,679,468 Neuschwanstein
Lumber salvaged: 1,438,508 Welcome to the Hippodrome
Ore salvaged: 168,564 Stormy Seas
Gem salvaged: 301,288 Welcome to the Hippodrome
Total wizards killed: 141 Pudge 2.0
Food building: 174,946 Poking for a view
Unit1 training: 103,392 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Unit2 training: 51,696 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Ore sold: 1,519,018 Stormy Seas
Ore lost: 1,402,649 Stormy Seas
Mana improvements: 59,283,057 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Spells reflected: 7 Pudge 2.0
Gold exploring: 99,653,754 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Mana rezoning: 6,808,695 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Gold improvements: 162,482 Welcome to the Hippodrome
Gold sold: 898,005 Dracarys
Lumber bought: 999,124 Stormy Seas
Lumber stolen: 666,550 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Unit3 training: 12,924 Stomp and Circumstance 🦣🦣
Hostile spells failure: 4 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Hostile spells duration: 120 Gimme fuel, gimme fire🔥Gimme that which I desire!
Morale damage: 25 Army of Blackness!
Ore bought: 4,389,486 Dracarys
Gem sold: 1,957,625 Dracarys
Spells broken: 1 Dracarys
Ore stolen: 1,425,663 Zero Zip Zilch Nada
Archmages training: 9,142 Dormammu's Bargain Hunters

Round Overview

Mode: Standard
Target: 8,000 land
Ticks: 0
Start: 2021-07-10 16:00:00
Dominions: 53
Day Top OP
1 88,626
2 195,315
3 274,812
4 468,744
5 651,687
6 608,134
7 826,037
8 1,273,108
9 1,551,400
10 858,304