These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Dominion Ruler Faction Land
🥇 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀 King Jota2 Void 9,454
🥈 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰 King Jota Kerranad 6,580
🥉 Koko Costanza Martinum Simian 6,536

Deeds of Glory

Deed Dominion Ruler Faction
Victories: 27 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰 King Jota Kerranad
Greatest offensive power sent: 2,580,980 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀 King Jota2 Void
Land conquered: 5,650 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀 King Jota2 Void

All Stats

Stat Value Top Dominion
Victories: 27 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Bottomfeeds: 40 Thor's Revenge
Successful defenses: 4 Du du dudu dudu Baby Shark
Times invaded: 9 Thor's Revenge
Gold sold: 1,997,965 Thor's Revenge
Gold building: 19,944,469 Thor's Revenge
Gold rezoning: 7,644,987 Crystalline Army
Gold training: 267,317,721 Crystalline Army
Gold exploring: 26,303,790 Tango
Food bought: 361,102 Crystalline Army
Lumber salvaged: 6,178,394 Noble Cur
Ore building: 1,296,644 kmerc13
Ore training: 21,951,314 Iron forges Iron
Ore improvements: 155,459 Iron forges Iron
Ore salvaged: 1,796,658 Iron forges Iron
Gem training: 54,500,000 kmerc13
Gem improvements: 19,747,486 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Gem lost: 4,675,289 The Matrix sux
Gem salvaged: 254,030 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Mana training: 70,128,618 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Mana cast: 1,342,139 100 Aker Woods
Land conquered: 5,650 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Land explored: 1,545 Tango
Land discovered: 2,679 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Land lost: 2,232 Thor's Revenge
Gold stolen: 11,630,629 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Food stolen: 4,419,380 Crystalline Army
Self spells cast: 97 Levavite
Total units killed: 156,548 Thor's Revenge
Total unit1 trained: 90,708 Beta
Total unit1 lost: 86,815 Beta
Total unit2 trained: 353,757 Noble Cur
Total unit2 lost: 34,960 Thor's Revenge
Total unit3 trained: 157,459 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Total unit3 lost: 12,597 Noble Cur
Total unit4 trained: 174,840 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Total unit4 lost: 33,549 I Find You Very A-Peeling 🍌🍌
Total spies trained: 5,709 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Total wizards trained: 125,744 Crystalline Army
Draftees training: 336,072 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Greatest offensive power sent: 2,580,980 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Total offensive power sent: 21,904,902 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Greatest successful defensive power: 776,999 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Greatest failed defensive power: 2,568,425 100 Aker Woods
Razes: 3 Itching Dogs
Failed invasions: 1 Crystalline Army
Gold bought: 11,341,398 Du du dudu dudu Baby Shark
Lumber bought: 950,615 Thor's Revenge
Lumber building: 4,077,720 Thor's Revenge
Lumber training: 15,783,435 100 Aker Woods
Lumber improvements: 258,678,152 100 Aker Woods
Gem sold: 85,867 Noble Cur
Lumber stolen: 3,856,170 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Gems stolen: 4,715,973 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Gold lost: 4,427,412 The Matrix sux
Food lost: 1,976,220 kmerc13
Lumber sold: 14,119,436 I Find You Very A-Peeling 🍌🍌
Souls training: 99,540 Itching Dogs
Blood training: 1,418,992 Itching Dogs
Wizards training: 131,285 Crystalline Army
Total archmages trained: 500 Itching Dogs
Blood improvements: 38,334,391 Itching Dogs
Gold improvements: 54,887,806 Crystalline Army
Food sold: 320,034 Thor's Revenge
Lumber lost: 3,432,160 A Dark Elf !!!
Ore sold: 3,167,072 Thor's Revenge
Ore bought: 291,526 Thor's Revenge
Ore lost: 296,774 Thor's Revenge
Hostile success: 13 Thor's Revenge
Hostile failure: 1 Thor's Revenge
Info spells success: 70 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Spell improvements damage: 6,321,677 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Total draftees lost: 796 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Total spies killed: 18 Thor's Revenge
Total spies lost: 25 Thor's Revenge
Wizard strength damage: 4 Thor's Revenge
Draftees killed (espionage): 821 Thor's Revenge
Champions training: 116,240 Thor's Revenge
Expeditions: 8 Thor's Revenge
Hostile spells duration: 576 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Food plundered: 36,900 kmerc13
Mana building: 10,539,290 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Mana rezoning: 29,048,305 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Mana improvements: 178,950,820 🌀 r a g e | d e n y🌀
Pearls sold: 3,813,785 Du du dudu dudu Baby Shark
Pearls improvements: 15,424,545 Levavite
Peasants training: 35,540 Crystalline Army
Ore stolen: 350,325 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Hostile spells failure: 1 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Unit2 training: 97,829 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Spies training: 5,709 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Total wizards lost: 7 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Total spies killed: 25 Fallen City-state of Scoundrels 💰
Wizard Strength training: 500 Beta
Food training: 24,001,445 Crystalline Army
Spells broken: 1 Crystalline Army
Total wizards killed: 7 Crystalline Army
Total units converted: 4,994 Coming behind!

Round Overview

Mode: Standard
Target: 8,000 land
Ticks: 871
Start: 2022-01-05 16:00:00
Dominions: 53
Day Top OP
1 73,725
2 141,218
3 238,814
4 277,058
5 717,690
6 448,782
7 919,795
8 1,411,406
9 2,580,980
10 575,627