Total offensive power sent

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Value Dominion
19,125,946 The Black Tower
16,568,509 Thor's Hammer
12,084,579 Mining to pay Adept
8,878,368 Tango
7,929,280 Genesis
5,432,723 🌌 Pordle 🌌
4,945,810 πŸš€ You can't take the sky from me🎡
4,714,748 Cheat Code: UpDownUpDownLeftLeft_+_1000acres
4,511,469 Green pants-clan 🩳
4,393,000 Davien
4,232,524 Glimmerhagen
4,148,268 Cream a Stream
3,926,605 Sim1
3,913,883 Zooplankton
3,838,925 Thor's Revenge
3,792,609 Shrinky
2,901,336 Gas Station Sushi
2,334,284 The spawns go marshing one by one... hoorah hoorah
1,271,323 Makaveli
946,668 Beta
862,882 Hobbit
680,991 Ew its growth.