Gold training

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Value Dominion
316,641,321 Gyllene Tider
309,551,574 H2O
253,587,118 Good sir, can I interest you in some Kool aid?
122,234,293 Ready for a Fright?
120,579,804 Rowdy Guests Will Be Eaten
119,851,182 V for V
112,687,925 Nightingale
110,643,894 Once upon a time... Noooot!
99,443,809 Mana Drain
59,285,342 Goblin your land
37,627,298 The dead will rise
33,903,823 Mag Max: Beyond Thunderstone
30,108,729 Let the bodies hit the floor
24,700,561 Bald and Beautifull!
22,248,872 Dragon 🐉
21,601,021 Hobgoblin
20,757,702 Drogon 🐉
19,566,760 Peaceful Chaos
16,312,600 Twee nul twee twee
14,885,443 My boat didnt start, thats why late
6,973,039 Animal Rationabile