Gold training

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Value Dominion
162,026,837 Lord Gnarkill, the hasty
155,930,730 Furry Tractor 🚜
150,977,534 Sushi Lovers
138,595,330 La Grande Hermine
119,522,893 The Last Of The Sky Pirates
119,319,642 Release the Kraken!
118,174,068 Vlad the Impaler - More Vlad, more Impalement 🦇🧛
111,119,378 Lizard King of Dragon Eye
97,951,517 Burn Baby Burn
69,400,365 Demolisher of Dreams
63,378,106 Ash switched side!
61,214,268 Distant Thunder?
56,759,707 Too many Elves
55,253,140 Mute Skull
51,652,378 Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
43,384,355 Monkey See
42,826,582 Fly or Die
42,028,779 Quack Start!
41,814,629 Dimensional Silencer
34,943,285 Bombastick!
29,955,131 Big Wooden Stake
28,163,542 Poenari
25,715,321 I Can't Swim!
21,293,824 Soul Slayer
7,944,956 The Colony
6,805,720 Beer Cap