These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Dominion Ruler Faction Land
🥇 Jaynestown Martynum Reptilians 9,323
🥈 Browncoats Martinum Dwarg 8,643
🥉 Montréal c'est Monde Centrale Dreki Gnome 6,416

Deeds of Glory

Deed Dominion Ruler Faction
Victories: 38 Amethyst Scorpions alphanidon Swarm
Greatest offensive power sent: 1,106,389 Browncoats Martinum Dwarg
Land conquered: 5,552 Bugs 🐛 Craghack2 Swarm

All Stats

Stat Value Top Dominion
Victories: 38 Amethyst Scorpions
Bottomfeeds: 10 Amethyst Scorpions
Gold sold: 6,627,826 Jaynestown
Gold bought: 11,281,839 Amethyst Scorpions
Gold building: 28,718,723 Jaynestown
Gold rezoning: 2,575,569 Jaynestown
Gold training: 196,449,494 Jaynestown
Gold improvements: 2,100,000 Browncoats
Gold lost: 4,040,410 Bugs 🐛
Food bought: 364,760 Amethyst Scorpions
Lumber salvaged: 163,174 Tarzan
Ore sold: 8,797,260 Browncoats
Ore building: 2,937,593 Browncoats
Ore training: 66,682,737 Montréal c'est Monde Centrale
Ore improvements: 54,290,977 Browncoats
Ore salvaged: 12,854,982 Montréal c'est Monde Centrale
Gem sold: 3,659,765 Amethyst Scorpions
Gem improvements: 14,358,972 Amethyst Scorpions
Gem salvaged: 0 Browncoats
Mana cast: 1,346,042 Amethyst Scorpions
Land conquered: 5,552 Bugs 🐛
Land discovered: 4,415 Jaynestown
Self spells cast: 79 Amethyst Scorpions
Total units killed: 72,623 Amethyst Scorpions
Total unit1 trained: 50,001 Limpet's Legion
Total unit2 trained: 105,312 Jaynestown
Total unit3 trained: 100,000 Limpet's Legion
Total unit3 lost: 29,495 Limpet's Legion
Unit3 training: 6,212 Browncoats
Total unit4 trained: 54,595 Bugs 🐛
Total unit4 lost: 17,789 Bugs 🐛
Total spies trained: 10,183 10 points for Gryffindor
Total wizards trained: 25,000 Limpet's Legion
Draftees training: 193,913 Browncoats
Greatest offensive power sent: 1,106,389 Browncoats
Total offensive power sent: 10,559,983 Browncoats
Expeditions: 137 Browncoats
Thunderstone training: 6,212 Browncoats
World Spinner encounters: 27 Browncoats
Times invaded: 17 Amethyst Scorpions
Food sold: 3,328,282 Smaug
Food training: 2,729,750 Bugs 🐛
Gem lost: 86,278 Bugs 🐛
Land lost: 3,197 Amethyst Scorpions
Gold stolen: 9,791,420 Jaynestown
Total draftees lost: 1,274 Montréal c'est Monde Centrale
Total unit1 lost: 16,034 Jaynestown
Total unit2 lost: 45,503 Jaynestown
Greatest failed defensive power: 1,000,183 Bugs 🐛
Lumber bought: 4,069,951 Jaynestown
Lumber building: 5,880,486 Jaynestown
Lumber improvements: 56,591,181 Tarzan
Mana training: 30,837,105 Limpet's Legion
Food stolen: 4,430,285 Jaynestown
Lumber stolen: 476,432 Jaynestown
Gems stolen: 86,278 Jaynestown
Sorcery spells duration: 234 Jaynestown
Sorcery spells cast: 15 Jaynestown
Mana spent on sorcery: 597,949 Jaynestown
Wizard strength spent on sorcery: 219 Jaynestown
Sabotage damage dealt to morale: 3 Jaynestown
Total unit5 trained: 162 Jaynestown
Total unit5 lost: 0 Browncoats
Prayer training: 12,541,828 Jaynestown
Sabotage damage dealt to peasants: 286 Jaynestown
Sabotage damage dealt to draftees: 56 Jaynestown
Ore bought: 254,664 Smaug
Wizards training: 25,000 Limpet's Legion
Total archmages trained: 260 Montréal c'est Monde Centrale
Food lost: 3,201,321 Amethyst Scorpions
Gem training: 55,920,000 Smaug
Spells broken: 1 Smaug
Peasants training: 46,015 Smaug
Lumber training: 5,156,992 Tarzan
Body training: 165,015 Limpet's Legion
Lumber lost: 242,863 Jota the Wild Elf
Sabotage damage suffered to morale: 3 10 points for Gryffindor
Sabotage damage suffered to peasants: 286 10 points for Gryffindor
Sabotage damage suffered to draftees: 56 10 points for Gryffindor
Razes: 1 Tarzan
Failed invasions: 0 Browncoats
Lumber sold: 487,464 Tarzan
Elk training: 6,440 Tarzan

Round Overview

Mode: Packs
Target: 1,200 ticks
Ticks: 1,201
Start: 2023-10-25 16:00:00
Dominions: 43
Day Top OP
1 28,733
2 67,716
3 29,156
4 123,330
5 229,105
6 357,388
7 380,986
8 542,151
9 615,455
10 757,234
11 868,985
12 1,012,746
13 1,106,389