Gold training

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Value Dominion
309,403,731 My Precious 💎
264,405,513 I see sea people
253,932,879 Holy Seas
202,657,106 stealing all your stuff just because
149,074,836 Goblins are Boring
118,570,384 Momo’s Mortuary
87,799,706 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
80,220,782 Diabolic Intentions
71,525,197 Suck my Rotten socks!
62,521,272 Gold Standard
47,970,048 Suck my flaming socks!
15,869,355 Illusions and Dreams
12,823,463 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐵 🙉
10,714,058 Spyro
10,138,792 Lone Elf
9,784,206 Rafiki's staff
8,879,464 Devils Rejects