These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Dominion Ruler Faction Land
🥇 My Precious 💎 Mithrandir 2 Goblin 11,475
🥈 I see sea people Craghack2 Glimjir 9,827
🥉 Holy Seas Dreki Glimjir 8,715

Deeds of Glory

Deed Dominion Ruler Faction
Victories: 62 Suck my Rotten socks! Mad Cosula Afflicted
Greatest offensive power sent: 1,400,057 My Precious 💎 Mithrandir 2 Goblin
Land conquered: 7,202 Suck my Rotten socks! Mad Cosula Afflicted

All Stats

Stat Value Top Dominion
Victories: 62 Suck my Rotten socks!
Bottomfeeds: 4 stealing all your stuff just because
Times invaded: 39 Suck my Rotten socks!
Gold bought: 6,750,310 Suck my flaming socks!
Gold building: 38,543,851 My Precious 💎
Gold rezoning: 4,375,104 My Precious 💎
Gold training: 309,403,731 My Precious 💎
Gold improvements: 6,507,076 Momo’s Mortuary
Gold lost: 7,145,817 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Food bought: 48,115 I see sea people
Mana cast: 1,130,104 My Precious 💎
Land conquered: 7,202 Suck my Rotten socks!
Land discovered: 5,923 My Precious 💎
Land lost: 5,274 Suck my Rotten socks!
Self spells cast: 98 Holy Seas
Total draftees lost: 3,841 Suck my Rotten socks!
Total units killed: 149,871 Suck my Rotten socks!
Total unit1 trained: 185,427 Diabolic Intentions
Total unit1 lost: 70,934 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Total unit2 trained: 263,724 My Precious 💎
Total unit2 lost: 35,509 stealing all your stuff just because
Total unit3 trained: 96,964 Diabolic Intentions
Total unit3 lost: 26,464 Momo’s Mortuary
Draftees training: 640,344 My Precious 💎
Greatest offensive power sent: 1,400,057 My Precious 💎
Total offensive power sent: 13,375,177 My Precious 💎
Greatest failed defensive power: 1,374,113 stealing all your stuff just because
Expeditions: 15 My Precious 💎
Pearls sold: 1,081,231 I see sea people
Pearls improvements: 15,906,227 Holy Seas
Kelp bought: 5,183,334 I see sea people
Kelp building: 6,369,904 I see sea people
World Spinner encounters: 29 My Precious 💎
Lumber bought: 6,559,160 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Lumber building: 7,935,017 My Precious 💎
Gem sold: 2,201,566 Suck my flaming socks!
Gem improvements: 10,541,987 Goblins are Boring
Mana training: 33,883,343 Momo’s Mortuary
Gold stolen: 24,548,166 stealing all your stuff just because
Lumber stolen: 1,257,823 stealing all your stuff just because
Gems stolen: 51,200 Suck my flaming socks!
Total unit4 trained: 357,648 My Precious 💎
Total unit4 lost: 189,964 My Precious 💎
Sorcery spells duration: 8 stealing all your stuff just because
Improvements damage by sorcery: 3,017,708 stealing all your stuff just because
Sorcery spells cast: 6 stealing all your stuff just because
Mana spent on sorcery: 383,995 stealing all your stuff just because
Wizard strength spent on sorcery: 97 stealing all your stuff just because
Sabotage damage dealt to morale: 67 stealing all your stuff just because
Total unit5 trained: 137 stealing all your stuff just because
Total unit5 lost: 0 I see sea people
Prayer training: 11,515,203 stealing all your stuff just because
Sabotage damage dealt to peasants: 16,811 stealing all your stuff just because
Sabotage damage dealt to draftees: 2,790 stealing all your stuff just because
Razes: 2 Diabolic Intentions
Failed invasions: 1 Suck my Rotten socks!
Gold sold: 37,338,449 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Food sold: 19,228,936 Spyro
Ore sold: 2,865,753 Goblins are Boring
Ore bought: 18,617,854 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Ore building: 4,574,855 Suck my flaming socks!
Souls training: 105,287 Diabolic Intentions
Blood training: 15,840,346 Diabolic Intentions
Total wizards trained: 26,806 Gold Standard
Peasants training: 185,427 Diabolic Intentions
Blood improvements: 43,461,571 Diabolic Intentions
Ore training: 30,982,392 My Precious 💎
Ore improvements: 15,177,482 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Gem training: 106,758,100 Suck my flaming socks!
Gem lost: 224,448 Suck my flaming socks!
Successful defenses: 2 Devils Rejects
Wizards training: 26,008 Gold Standard
Greatest successful defensive power: 673,350 Suck my flaming socks!
Food lost: 194,496 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Lumber training: 4,339,475 My Precious 💎
Lumber improvements: 4,691,104 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Lumber lost: 1,346,099 Suck my Rotten socks!
Gunpowder sold: 164,724 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Gunpowder training: 70,934 Gobblin Deez.... Walnuts
Total spies trained: 8,939 Goblins are Boring
Kelp sold: 76,000 Holy Seas
Kelp improvements: 75,261 Holy Seas
Food training: 27,020,000 Illusions and Dreams
Lumber sold: 5,370,593 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐵 🙉
Invasion spells success: 291 Suck my Rotten socks!
Total units converted: 203,096 Suck my Rotten socks!
Invasion spells duration: 25,500 Suck my Rotten socks!
Miasma training: 214,608 Suck my Rotten socks!
Miasma improvements: 1,097,125 Suck my Rotten socks!
Body training: 178,750 Momo’s Mortuary
Sabotage damage suffered to morale: 67 My Precious 💎
Sabotage damage suffered to peasants: 16,811 My Precious 💎
Sabotage damage suffered to draftees: 2,790 My Precious 💎
Food stolen: 227,057 Devils Rejects
Ore stolen: 10,796 Devils Rejects
Lumber salvaged: 0 I see sea people
Ore lost: 10,796 Lone Elf
Ore salvaged: 49,838 Lone Elf
Gem salvaged: 0 I see sea people

Round Overview

Mode: Packs
Target: 1,200 ticks
Ticks: 1,201
Start: 2024-01-01 04:00:00
Dominions: 54
Day Top OP
1 47,016
2 77,788
3 108,466
4 156,130
5 195,693
6 409,313
7 345,501
8 395,243
9 973,962
10 1,110,164
11 1,309,443
12 1,400,057
13 1,383,863