These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Dominion Ruler Faction Land
🥇 Jotas QS Craghack2 Swarm 7,085
🥈 Castle Rat Dreki Human 4,473
🥉 Ssiwen's Vagrants Ssiwen Barbarian 4,250

Deeds of Glory

Deed Dominion Ruler Faction
Victories: 27 Castle Rat Dreki Human
Greatest offensive power sent: 813,880 Jotas QS Craghack2 Swarm
Land conquered: 2,949 Castle Rat Dreki Human

All Stats

Stat Value Top Dominion
Victories: 27 Castle Rat
Bottomfeeds: 0 Castle Rat
Times invaded: 3 Castle Rat
Gold sold: 423,415 Castle Rat
Gold building: 6,289,723 Castle Rat
Gold training: 215,305,148 Jotas QS
Food bought: 191,916 Jotas QS
Lumber sold: 1,096,913 Castle Rat
Lumber building: 1,272,074 Castle Rat
Lumber training: 721,530 Castle Rat
Lumber salvaged: 0 Castle Rat
Ore bought: 804,073 Castle Rat
Ore training: 25,012,646 Gnomercy
Ore salvaged: 1,353,577 Castle Rat
Gem improvements: 12,674,942 Jotas QS
Gem salvaged: 0 Castle Rat
Mana cast: 1,542,342 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Land conquered: 2,949 Castle Rat
Land discovered: 3,276 Jotas QS
Land lost: 601 Castle Rat
Self spells cast: 56 Jotas QS
Total draftees lost: 285 Castle Rat
Total units killed: 29,080 Castle Rat
Total units converted: 0 Castle Rat
Total unit1 trained: 31,919 Gnomercy
Total unit1 lost: 7,721 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Total unit2 trained: 56,011 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Total unit2 lost: 2,763 Castle Rat
Total unit3 trained: 49,016 Jotas QS
Total unit3 lost: 1,644 Castle Rat
Total unit4 trained: 142,559 Jotas QS
Total unit4 lost: 16,103 Jotas QS
Total spies trained: 5,578 Smog
Total wizards trained: 25,833 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Draftees training: 208,244 Jotas QS
Greatest offensive power sent: 813,880 Jotas QS
Total offensive power sent: 3,552,222 Jotas QS
Greatest failed defensive power: 761,972 Castle Rat
Horses training: 33,044 Castle Rat
World Spinner encounters: 2 Castle Rat
Total raw DP killed: 81,224 Jotas QS
Total raw DP lost: 24,951 Castle Rat
Total raw OP killed: 49,361 Castle Rat
Total raw OP lost: 113,495 Jotas QS
Total modified DP killed: 513,960 Castle Rat
Total modified DP lost: 112,200 Castle Rat
Total modified OP killed: 104,019 Castle Rat
Total modified OP lost: 235,249 Jotas QS
Prestige gained: 924 Jotas QS
Prestige lost: 53 Gnomercy
Buildings built: 14,685 Jotas QS
Buildings destroyed: 2,704 Castle Rat
Buildings destroyed by self: 8,811 Jotas QS
Buildings lost: 686 Gnomercy
Gold lost: 320,000 Jotas QS
Food training: 5,032,150 Jotas QS
Gem sold: 387,231 Gnomercy
Expeditions: 24 Jotas QS
Gold improvements: 12,071,214 Smog
Ore building: 1,103,497 Smog
Ore improvements: 3,203,083 Gnomercy
Gem training: 68,760,000 Smog
Gold stolen: 320,000 Smog
Peasants training: 54,000 Smog
Peasants lost to sorcery: 2,204 Smog
Gold bought: 1,465,176 Gnomercy
Food sold: 1,061,230 Gnomercy
Ore sold: 83,676 Gnomercy
Gunpowder sold: 42,349 Gnomercy
Mana training: 48,593,794 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Wizards training: 10,482 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Peasants killed by sorcery: 2,204 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Sorcery spells cast: 1 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Mana spent on sorcery: 220,464 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Wizard strength spent on sorcery: 48 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Total unit5 trained: 10,482 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Unit5 training: 2,500 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Total unit6 trained: 2,500 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Gloom training: 25,000 Eclipse Enthusiasts
Gloom improvements: 5,070 Eclipse Enthusiasts

Round Overview

Mode: Packs
Target: 1,200 ticks
Ticks: 1,200
Start: 2024-04-15 04:00:00
Dominions: 32
Day Top OP
1 24,656
2 69,632
3 58,648
4 184,314
5 96,965
6 266,190
7 410,958
8 657,051
9 149,323
10 137,896
11 813,880