These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Dominion Ruler Faction Land
🥇 Gespenst Mark II alphanidon Armada 16,354
🥈 -0-0- DGN Wood Elf 15,091
🥉 Lumberjacks lamb Wood Elf 12,986

Deeds of Glory

Deed Dominion Ruler Faction
Victories: 0 Toothyland Haggoroth Vampires
Greatest offensive power sent: 0 Toothyland Haggoroth Vampires
Land conquered: 0 Toothyland Haggoroth Vampires

All Stats

Stat Value Top Dominion

Round Overview

Mode: Standard
Target: 8,000 land
Ticks: 0
Start: 2020-07-25 16:00:00
Dominions: 46
Day Top OP