Round 27 Rankings

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Dominion Realm Ruler Faction Land Networth
-0-0- # 2 DGN Wood Elf 15,091 4,884,420
Amazon River Delta # 4 Haggoroth2 Simian 2,065 382,467
Beelzebot # 3 Robert Demon 4,041 461,683
Bleecker Street # 4 Lieke Growth 6,489 143,616
Charlie Hotel India Alpha November # 2 Chianwazhere Swarm 2,597 240,280
Free Acres Dot Com # 4 Haggoroth3 Myconid 5,843 948,415
Fungus Amongyou # 4 Erik Myconid 6,697 1,779,986
Gespenst Mark II # 2 alphanidon Armada 16,354 17,601,595
Hallo mate # 2 Blafiora Human 7,091 1,574,312
Humane Warfare # 2 Drekii Human 7,469 1,766,120
I Hit You Like - BANG # 3 Ineq Artillery 8,175 2,955,905
Inertia # 3 Bobbo Imperial Gnome 8,717 1,177,283
Jackiiey # 3 Jackiieey Undead 1,484 185,829
l'appel du vide # 4 jmerc13 Void 2,989 323,744
Lumberjacks # 2 lamb Wood Elf 12,986 2,694,515
Nightmare # 2 El Gato Spirit 7,276 971,280
OD Virgin # 2 King Jota Halfling 8,863 833,581
Sheep in Wolves clothing # 3 Jaerock Demon 1,164 149,632
Spiritus # 2 Wickerman Spirit 2,394 295,540
Spoon Boy # 4 WaRsCoTtS Myconid 8,125 1,969,543
Swords Blazing # 2 Drekinn Sacred Order 3,681 877,497
T.O.W.N. # 4 Barry Kester Growth 1,285 110,492
The Botanical Gardens # 2 Dreki Wood Elf 8,422 2,296,214
The Spirit of Rock n Roll # 2 The Spirit of Rock n Roll Firewalker 2,596 527,216
Toothyland # 4 Haggoroth Vampires 2,900 1,093,348
War Monger # 2 nevermeltice Jagunii 9,799 2,772,338