These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Land max:


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Factions played:


Overview of the 20 Most Recent Rounds

Ineq joined ODARENA Jan 20, 2020 and has played 21 rounds in total since then, and 0 of the last 20 rounds.

Military Accomplishments

Victories: 0
Bottomfeeds: 0
Total offensive power sent: 0
Land conquered: 0
Land discovered: 0
Total units killed: 0
Total units converted: 0
Prestige: 0

Military Failures

Times invaded: 0
Land lost: 0
Razes: 0
Failed invasions: 0

Top Factions

Land stats:

Distribution of total land lost and gained (0 acres): 0 conquered, 0 discovered, 0 explored, and 0 lost.

No data

Military success ratio:

How the armies of Ineq have fared throughout 0 battles: 0 successful, 0 unsuccessful, and 0 times invaded.

No data

All Dominions

Round Dominion Faction Land Land Rank Networth Chapter Era
15 King Of My Heart   Human 4,802 19 816,397 In Sickness, Until Death Do Us Part Ravaging Rivalry
16 Girl Next Door   Halfling 4,375 5 363,284 Conquer All Ravaging Rivalry
17 Scooby Doo   Snow Elf 2,362 26 5,514,935 Safe and Sound Ravaging Rivalry
18 Meerkat Manor   Troll 6,093 7 533,379 Death's Coronation Ravaging Rivalry
19 Your My Dilemma   Merfolk 4,939 2 🥈 112,833,776 The Rule of Three From The Ashes
20 Broccoli Rabe   Dwarf 8,232 10 2,870,538 An Alternative To Freedom From The Ashes
22 False God   Lux 3,069 42 1,620,668 With Watchful Eyes From The Ashes
23 Firefly   Growth 5,823 23 157,440 The Great Divide From The Ashes
24 Glitter on the Floor   Beastfolk 12,051 3 🥉 4,667,858 Scars In The Land From The Ashes
25 Spyro the Dragon   Dragon 5,294 24 2,601,476 Borne Wild From The Ashes
26 my big juggs need support   Gnome 2,053 32 1,058,019 Faster Than An Arrow From The Ashes
27 I Hit You Like - BANG   Artillery 8,175 8 2,955,905 Second Sickness From The Ashes
28 Smooth Criminal   Lizardfolk 8,349 10 2,853,968 Echoes from The Past From The Ashes
29 My Zipper is Loose   Nox 2,132 57 740,020 All In Your Head From The Ashes
30 Lancelot   Human 5,990 34 1,201,016 Beneath Pale Moons From The Ashes
31 Hoax   Icekin 8,952 46 2,162,677 Even A Broken Clock From The Ashes
32 The Shining Force   Dimensionalists 7,688 10 3,406,543 Soot And Root From The Ashes
33 Robin Hood   Wood Elf 1,315 41 395,980 Love Letters To The Long Lost From The Ashes
34 Hannibal   Jagunii 3,069 55 658,025 Old Borders To New Frontiers From The Ashes
60 Genghis   Nomad 1,189 65 371,386 Heavy Crown, Broken Neck The Many Roads
63 my big juggs need support   Gnome 2,060 40 1,068,030 Divergence Death For Glory