
Difficulty: Challenging


Unit OP / DP Special Abilities Attributes Cost
Phantom 2 / 0
  • OP: 2 / DP: 0 / T: 12
  • Counts as 0.1 spy.
  • No housing required.
  • 1 wizard points required to train or send.
Magical 150 mana
Shade 0 / 5
  • OP: 0 / DP: 5 / T: 12
  • No housing required.
  • 0.5 wizard points required to train or send.
Magical 560 mana
Fiend 6 / 6
  • OP: 6 / DP: 6 / T: 12
  • No housing required.
  • Plunders up to 60 Mana on successful attack.
  • 1 wizard points required to train or send.
Magical 1,200 mana
Nightmare 8 / 5
  • OP: 8 / DP: 5 / T: 12
  • No housing required.
  • Offense increased by 1 if you have 1 Gloom, which is spent when the unit attacks.
  • 1.5 wizard points required to train or send.
Magical 1,500 mana
Evoker 0 / 0
  • OP: 0 / DP: 0 / T: 6
  • Counts as 3 wizard.
Intelligent, Living, Sentient, and Wise 1 Wizard,
4,200 gold,
300 mana
Envoy of Darkness 0 / 0
  • OP: 0 / DP: 0 / T: 12
  • Counts as 4 wizard.
  • Counts as 3 wizard(s) on defense between 18:00 and 06:00.
Intelligent, Living, Sentient, and Wise 1 Evoker,
1,200 mana,
10 gloom


Workers: Dweller
Draftees: Neophyte (DP: 0.5)
Dweller production: 2.5 Gold, 0.05 Mana
Cannot train archmages: Yes
DP per draftee: 0.5
Draftees count as wizards: 0.1
Max population: -25%


Resource Construction Buy Sell Improvement Points
Gold Yes 1.00 0.50
Food 0.50 0.10
Lumber Yes 1.00 0.50
Gloom 36.00


Building Perks
  • Food production increased by 8% for every 1% (max +40%).
  • 8% population growth rate for every 1% (max 40%).
  • Drains 2 mana per tick per artefact in the realm.
  • Only effective on up to 5% of land.
  • +10 artefact aegis restoration per tick
  • Must be devoted to Barathu Bint to build or use this building.
  • Gold production increased by 2% for every 1% (max +10%).
  • Resource exchange rates improved by 4% for every 1% (max +20%).
  • Spy strength on defense increased by 10% for every 1%.
  • Houses 40 spies and units that count as spies.
  • Houses 0 people.
Dark Spire
  • Produces 1*[Defensive Wizard Ratio] mana/tick.
  • Produces 25 mana per tick.
  • -2% construction costs for every 1% (max 30% reduction).
  • -1.3% construction time for every 1% (max 20% reduction).
  • -1.5% cost of machine units for every 1% (max 15% reduction).
  • Produces 50 food per tick.
  • Protects 25000 food from theft.
  • Protects 12500 lumber from theft.
  • Produces 20 food per tick.
  • XP generation increased by 5% for every 1% (max +25%).
  • Resource exchange rates improved by 4% for every 1% (max +20%).
  • Must be devoted to Mirnon to build or use this building.
  • +3% improvement points from gems for every 1% (max +30%)
  • +3% improvement points from ore for every 1% (max +30%)
  • Produces 35 lumber per tick.
  • Increases deity perks 10% for every 1% (max +100%)
Night Tower
  • Yields 1 gloom between 18:00 and 06:00.
  • Gathers 36 mana between 18:00 and 06:00.
  • Must be devoted to Bregon to build or use this building.
  • Houses 36 military units.
  • Houses 0 people.
  • Defensive power increased by 0.3% for every 1% (max +15% DP).
  • Houses 15 draftees.
  • Provides 10 jobs.
  • Must be devoted to Druva to build or use this building.
  • Food production increased by 4% for every 1% (max +40%).
  • Lumber production increased by 4% for every 1% (max +40%).
  • 4% population growth rate for every 1% (max 40%).
  • -4% defensive casualties for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
  • Improvements increased by 1.75% for every 1%.
  • Must be devoted to Sazal to build or use this building.
  • Produces 24 mana per tick.
  • +5% spell duration for every 1% (max +100%).
Stone Wall
  • Defensive power increased by 1.25% for every 1% (max +50% DP).
  • Provides 12 raw defensive power.
Syndicate Quarters
  • +2% resources stolen for every 1% (max +40%).
  • -2% cost of spies for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
  • Houses 40 spies and units that count as spies.
  • Houses 0 people.
  • Must be devoted to Ix to build or use this building.
  • Generates 100 XP per tick.
  • You can at most have one per 100 Schools, Chrysalis, Orchards, and Institutes. Unpaired buildings are not effective.
  • Protects 25000 gold from theft.
  • Protects 2500 gems from theft.
  • Protects 10000 ore from theft.
Wizard Guild
  • Wizard strength recovery increased by 0.15% for every 1% (max +3%).
  • Wizard and arch mage training costs decreased by -2% for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
  • Spell mana costs decreased by -2% for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
  • Houses 40 wizards and units that count as wizards.
  • Houses 0 people.


Building Perks
Perk Max Coefficient
Food Production +40% 5,600
Perk Max Coefficient
Mana Production +30% 5,600
Perk Max Coefficient
Construction Costs -20% 4,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Defensive Power +30% 6,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Improvement Points Value From Investments +20% 3,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Spy Strength +40% 6,000
Spy Units Housing +30% 4,500
Perk Max Coefficient
Population +20% 4,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Ruler Title Bonus +40% 1,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Gold Production +20% 4,800
Exchange Rate +20% 6,400
Perk Max Coefficient
Ore Production +30% 5,600
Perk Max Coefficient
Advancements Costs -30% 6,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Offensive Power +30% 6,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Prestige Gains +25% 3,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Wizard Strength +40% 6,000
Wizard Units Housing +30% 4,500


Friendly Passive Spells

Spell Deity Cost Duration Cooldown Effect

Hostile Passive Spells

Spell Deity Cost Duration Cooldown Effect
Blight Any 1.5x 1 ticks None
  • -5% food production
  • -5% lumber production
Earthquake Any 1.5x 1 ticks None
  • -5% ore production
  • -5% gem collection
Elskas' Blur Elskas 0.5x 0.5 ticks 36 ticks
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on theft.
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on sabotage.
Entangle Any 1x 1 ticks None
  • -2% food production
  • -2% lumber production
Plague Any 1x 1 ticks None
  • -25% population growth rate
Seismic Shift Any 1.5x 0.75 ticks None
  • -10% ore production
  • -10% gem collection
Tremors Any 1x 1 ticks None
  • -2% ore production
  • -2% gem collection
Withering Any 3x 0.8 ticks None
  • -10% food production
  • -10% lumber production

Passive Self Spells

Spell Deity Cost Duration Cooldown Effect
Arboreal Abundance Any 8x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% lumber production
Aura Any 10x 24 ticks None
  • -20% sorcery damage suffered
Bountiful Blossom Any 10x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% food production
Bregon's Muster Bregon 12x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • -10% military unit gold costs
  • -10% military unit ore costs
  • -10% military unit lumber costs
  • -6 ticks training time for military units (does not include Spies, Wizards, or Archmages)
Druva's Blessing Druva 6x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +15% food production
  • +15% lumber production
Ecstasy Any 8x 24 ticks None
  • +25% population growth rate
Elskas' Anointment Elskas 10x 24 ticks 72 ticks
  • -25% casualties
Elskas' Vision Elskas 4x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +3% spy strength recovery per tick
Enchanted Banners Any 10x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +20% prestige gains
  • +40% prestige losses
Enhanced Yields Any 0x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% food production
Feast of Azk'Hurum Azk'Hurum 9x 48 ticks None
  • +50% population growth rate
  • +25% food consumption
Fog Any 0x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • Hidden from Insight
Fury of Azk'Hurum Azk'Hurum 7x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +25% enemy casualties when invading
  • +25% enemy casualties when defending
  • +25% food consumption
Glimj's Flood Glimj 12x 1 ticks 192 ticks
  • +50% power from Water Temples
Glimj's Tide Glimj 12x 1 ticks 192 ticks
  • +50% power from Sunken Shrines
Harmony Any 0x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +25% population growth rate
  • -5% offensive power
Ix's Virtue Ix 6x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +20% improvement points value
Magical Disguise Any 0x 36 ticks 72 ticks
  • -100% resources lost to theft
Miner's Fortune Any 12x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% gem collection
Mining Strength Any 8x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% ore production
Mirnon's Fortitude Mirnon 6x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +15% ore production
  • +15% gem collection
Mirnon's Greed Mirnon 6x 12 ticks 192 ticks
  • +20% Gold Mine production
  • +20% Gold Quarry production
  • +25% food consumption
Nocten Acrimony Any 1500x 12 ticks None
  • +40% offensive power
Nocten Fervour Any 1500x 12 ticks None
  • -20% defensive modifiers for target
Nocten Veil Any 2500x 60 ticks None
  • +40% defensive power
Panopticon Any 10x 36 ticks 92 ticks
  • -25% sabotage damage suffered
Sazal's Vision Sazal 6x 48 ticks 480 ticks
  • +15% mana production
Urugdakh's Crusade Urugdakh 1x 1 ticks 48 ticks
  • +0.02% offensive power for every tick devoted to Urugdakh (max 20%).
  • +10% enemy casualties when invading
  • No land discovered on invasions.
Ward of Life Any 10x 12 ticks 192 ticks
  • -20% casualties
Ward of Protection Any 10x 48 ticks 368 ticks
  • -20% sorcery damage suffered
  • -20% sabotage damage suffered
Zidur's Bane Zidur 9x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% enemy casualties

Friendly Active Spells

Spell Deity Cost Cooldown Effect

Hostile Active Spells

Spell Deity Cost Cooldown Effect
Blight Any 1.5x None
  • -5% food production
  • -5% lumber production
Earthquake Any 1.5x None
  • -5% ore production
  • -5% gem collection
Elskas' Blur Elskas 0.5x 36 ticks
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on theft.
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on sabotage.
Entangle Any 1x None
  • -2% food production
  • -2% lumber production
Plague Any 1x None
  • -25% population growth rate
Seismic Shift Any 1.5x None
  • -10% ore production
  • -10% gem collection
Tremors Any 1x None
  • -2% ore production
  • -2% gem collection
Withering Any 3x None
  • -10% food production
  • -10% lumber production

Active Self Spells

Spell Deity Cost Cooldown Effect
Chain Lightning Any 4x None
  • Destroys +0.08% of the target's improvements.
Fireball Any 1.5x None
  • Kills 0.25% of the target's peasants.
  • Destroys 0.25% of the target's Food.
Firebolt Any 1x None
  • Kills 0.1% of the target's peasants.
  • Destroys 0.10% of the target's Food.
Firestorm Any 3x None
  • Kills 0.5% of the target's peasants.
Lightning Bolt Any 1.5x None
  • Destroys +0.05% of the target's improvements.
Thunderclap Any 1x None
  • Destroys +0.02% of the target's improvements.

Invasion Spells

Spell Deity Effect


Operation Effect
Assassinate Draftees
  • Assassinate draftees (base damage 15%)
Assassinate Peasants
  • Assassinate peasants (base damage 15%)
Magic Snare
  • Reduce wizard strength (base damage 30%)
Sabotage Construction
  • Sabotage buildings under construction (base damage 5%)


Terrain Perks
Plains +0.04% population for every 1% of this terrain.
Forest +0.12% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.06% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Mountains +0.08% ore production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.12% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
Hills +0.1% ore production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.08% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.02% gold production for every 1% of this terrain.
Swamps +0.08% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.08% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Water +0.08% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.01% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.08% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Jungle +0.12% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.06% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Desert +0.04% gold production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Badlands +0.04% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Glacier +0.15% mana production for every 1% of this terrain.
Volcanic +0.06% ore production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.02% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Wetlands +0.05% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.05% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.