
All factions use at least one and most use several resources to train units, construct buildings, cast spells, and invest in improvements.


Resource Category Exchange Values Trade Values Description
Acid Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 30.0000 A repulsive smelling dark liquid found percolating in some Growths.
Ash Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 30.0000 Called moon soot by some Orcs, this special type of ash which comes from the volcanoes on the Cloven Moon and reaches the world
Blood Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 10.0000 Flowing in the veins of most living creatures, and collected by the most brutal to be used to fashion gruesome improvements and warriors.
Body Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 30.0000 The body of a fallen warrior of normal stature.
Books Luxury 0.0000:0.0000 400.0000 A collection of knowledge, stories, and spells.
Brimmer Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 30.0000 A thick liquid extracted from ore.
Champions Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 0.0000 The living, legendary souls of Norse warriors fallen in glory.
Cosmic Alignments Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 0.0000 Starcharts used by Dimensionalist Archmages to plot paths across the cosmos.
Dragonscale Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 400.0000 The scales of a dragon, extremely hard and holding magical properties.
Elk Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 0.0000 Majestic wanderers of the forest, Druva's personal guards and messengers.
Figurines Luxury 0.0000:0.0000 250.0000 Small, carved figures of various creatures, some of which are imbued with magic.
Food Strategic 0.5000:0.1000 0.5000 While mostly functioning as a sustenance, some use food for especially exhausting training or even as organic building blocks.
Gems Strategic 0.0000:2.0000 10.0000 Precious stones of great value. Some have magical properties.
Gloom Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 12.0000 A dark, thick liquid produced bottling starlight and filtering the shine out of it.
Gold Strategic 1.0000:0.5000 1.0000 Whether raw, in ingots, or in coins, gold is the foundation of most dominions' economies.
Gunpowder Strategic 0.0000:2.0000 8.0000 Made from carefully following a Gnomish recipe, used to launch projectiles across vast distances at fantastic speed. Handle with care.
Horse Strategic 0.0000:2.0000 100.0000 A fourlegged animal equally strong and loyal.
Instruments Luxury 0.0000:0.0000 600.0000 Musical instruments of various kinds, in the right hands capable of producing the finest melodies.
Kelp Strategic 1.3000:0.6500 2.0000 A superior form of rugged seaweed, used by Glimjir to build and popular in broth with some land dwellers.
Light Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 0.0000 Bright energy of from the suns' rays, captured by Lucene Beacons.
Lumber Strategic 1.0000:0.5000 2.0000 Some obtain it by cutting down trees, whereas gentler creatures collect fallen branches or trees and bushes that have expired.
Magma Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 10.0000 Molten rocks flowing in a thick viscuous liquid deep under ground.
Mana Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 4.0000 Cosmic energy used to weave spells and — by some — conjure magical warriors.
Marshling Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 10.0000 A semiconscious entity born out of the strangest swamps.
Miasma Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 12.0000 A foetid vapour emanating from Afflicted mass graves.
Mud Strategic 1.0000:0.5000 0.0500 It's mud.
Obsidian Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 12.0000 An extremely hard form type of glass formed by rapidly cooling down magma.
Ore Strategic 1.0000:0.5000 2.0000 An encompassing term for various stones and metals.
Pearls Strategic 0.0000:3.0000 12.0000 Gems of the sea, pearls are collected by dwellers of the depths.
Prayer Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 0.0000 Elskas appreciates the devotion from her Chosen Ones and listens to their prayers.
Prisoner Strategic 0.0000:4.0000 150.0000 Captured in war and kept alive only to serve.
Sapling Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 0.0000 The beginnings of trees, imbued with magic life of Sylvans.
Souls Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 1,000.0000 Each living being has one. Azk'Hurum collects as many as he can.
Spices Luxury 0.0000:0.0000 600.0000 Aromatic substances used to enhance the flavour of food.
Sugar Luxury 0.0000:0.0000 800.0000 A sweet substance extracted from plants.
Swamp Gas Strategic 0.0000:1.0000 24.0000 A pungent, greenish gas floating above certain swamps.
Thunderstone Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 16,000.0000 An extremely rare form of gem, about the size of a closed Dwargen fist, with a purple glimmer and slowly pulsating patterns that fade into black in the middle.
Yak Strategic 0.0000:0.0000 120.0000 Slower than horses but much stronger.