
You can devote your dominion to a deity in exchange for some perks. For every tick that you remain devoted to a deity, the perks are increased by 0.10% per tick to a maximum of +100%.

It takes 48 ticks for a devotion to take effect. Your dominion can only be submitted to one deity at a time. However, you can renounce your deity to select a new one (which resets the ticks counter).

The range multiplier is the maximum land size range the deity permits you to interact with, unless recently invaded, and takes effect immediately once you submit to a deity. A dominion with a wider range cannot take actions against a dominion with a more narrow range, unless the two ranges overlap.


Deity Perks Spells Holy Buildings
Demon only
  • Range multiplier: 0.60x
  • +5% offensive power if target recently invaded your realm
  • -10% prestige gains.
  • +5% population
  • +5% enemy casualties
Barathu Bint
All except Afflicted, Myconid, Nox, Void
  • Range multiplier: 0.40x
  • +2.5% gold production
  • +5% exchange rates
All except Nox, Myconid, Void
  • Range multiplier: 0.75x
  • +5% offensive power
All except Afflicted, Nox, Void
  • Range multiplier: 0.40x
  • +10% population growth rate
  • +5% food production
  • +5% lumber production
Reptilians only
  • Range multiplier: 0.60x
  • +10% spy strength
  • -5% defensive modifier for target
Armada, Glimjir only
  • Range multiplier: 0.75x
  • +5% defensive power
  • +10% food production
Barbarian, Cult only
  • Range multiplier: 0.60x
  • +20% resource theft
  • +10% offensive power if target recently invaded your realm
All except Void
  • Range multiplier: 0.75x
  • +5% XP generation
  • +50% XP per acre gained
Afflicted, Revenants, Undead only
  • Range multiplier: 0.75x
  • -10% casualties
  • -10% wizard cost
  • +2.5% defensive power
All except Afflicted, Myconid, Nox, Void
  • Range multiplier: 0.75x
  • +5% gem production
  • +5% ore production
All except Myconid, Dwarg
  • Range multiplier: 0.75x
  • +10% wizard strength
  • -2.5% unit mana costs.
Black Orc, Orc only
  • Range multiplier: 0.70x
  • +5% offensive power
  • +5% offensive power if target recently invaded your realm
Afflicted, Revenants, Undead only
  • Range multiplier: 0.60x
  • -2.5% defensive modifier for target
  • +10% enemy casualties