Round 74 Rankings

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Dominion Realm Ruler Faction Land Networth
Anthracite # 2 alphanidon Gnome 4,239 3,235,958
Blood Suckers Anonymous 🩸 # 4 Freeze Vampires 4,241 1,686,413
Burninating all the peoples # 2 Craghack Firewalker 3,898 2,136,738
Darkness Reigns # 4 🥶🥶🥶 Void 4,831 896,822
Dawn of Dynasty # 4 King Jota Kerranad 4,423 1,484,172
Dead Lives Matter! # 3 Real Mad Cosula Undead 4,282 3,036,039
Don't Stray From The Forest Path # 4 Unfather Beastfolk 3,754 792,207
Elves are back # 2 Sim2 Snow Elf 3,837 2,207,415
Eric Mana # 2 Mulla Sylvan 4,663 585,945
Frostfell # 3 Odwyer Icekin 1,000 33,794
Gold Member # 2 Martinum Aurei 4,284 3,295,190
Leader of Barbs # 3 Formerly Tem2 Legion 3,863 1,396,608
Let's ride # 3 Formerly Temujin83 Nomad 3,236 1,540,673
M.S. Prima Vista 🚁 # 3 Asanka Imperial Gnome 6,043 2,816,810
Mundane Penetration # 2 Chianwazhere Norse 4,000 3,057,177
My Spirit is a Void # 4 Zedijar Void 7,074 2,196,605
Nightfall # 4 King Jota2 Vampires 5,516 2,768,673
Nyrkkitappelu # 3 Mad Cosula Weres 3,850 2,103,097
Poenari # 4 Formerly Toki Vampires 3,225 922,604
Profane and Profane Accessories # 3 MannoWrath Dragon 3,891 2,808,907
Pudge - Ahhh Fresh 🥩 # 3 Formerly Asanka3 Afflicted 993 48,205
Ricky Steamboat # 3 Warpig Dragon 4,828 3,636,323
Schmëerskåhøven # 2 Formerly Dreki Halfling 1,528 362,856
Snu Tuz or who it was? # 3 Cosula Afflicted 2,742 1,108,560
Take Over The World! 🧠 # 2 Dreki Gnome 4,384 1,984,955
The Fountain # 4 jota3 Dimensionalists 7,325 3,718,293
Trout a’la creme # 3 Mikey Dragon 1,269 714,534
Twelve Guys and One Big Hairy Trunk # 2 Martynum Jagunii 4,468 1,667,326
Vikings here we go # 2 Craghack2 Norse 5,313 2,846,293
Wolf Riders in the Sky # 3 Peter Goblin 4,126 1,165,248
Yello Cilarta # 3 Wellan Nomad 4,091 1,957,979