These are the Chronicles of ODARENA, where history becomes legends.


Land max:


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Factions played:


Overview of the 20 Most Recent Rounds

DeathKnights joined ODARENA Jan 11, 2023 and has played 1 round in total since then, and 1 of the last 20 rounds.

Military Accomplishments

Victories: 54
Bottomfeeds: 0
Total offensive power sent: 13,887,763
Land conquered: 6,052
Land discovered: 2,624
Total units killed: 214,235
Total units converted: 252,974
Prestige: 653

Military Failures

Times invaded: 46
Land lost: 6,064
Razes: 0
Failed invasions: 1

Top Factions

1. Vampires 1

Land stats:

Distribution of total land lost and gained (14,740 acres): 6,052 conquered, 2,624 discovered, 0 explored, and 6,064 lost.

Conquered (41.06%)
Discovered (17.80%)
Explored (0.00%)
Lost (41.14%)

Military success ratio:

How the armies of DeathKnights have fared throughout 101 battles: 54 successful, 1 unsuccessful, and 46 times invaded.

Successful (53.47%)
Unsuccessful (0.99%)
Invaded (45.54%)

All Dominions

Round Dominion Faction Land Land Rank Networth Chapter Era
87 Devils Rejects   Vampires 3,911 45 1,166,191 Into The Shadow's Embrace In Fields Aflame