Snow Elf

Difficulty: Challenging


Unit OP / DP Special Abilities Attributes Cost
Arbalist 4 / 6
  • OP: 4 / DP: 6 / T: 9
  • Immortal if successfully fending off invader.
Intelligent, Living, and Sentient 1,600 gold,
80 ore,
220 lumber,
1 draftee
Peacekeeper 6 / 4
  • OP: 6 / DP: 4 / T: 12
  • +1 offensive power when paired with 0.01 Gryphons on attack.
Intelligent, Living, and Sentient 2,400 gold,
250 ore,
85 lumber,
1 draftee
Hailstorm Cannon 0 / 0
  • OP: 0 / DP: 0 / T: 12
  • Must have Invocations level 4 to train this unit.
  • Must have Anvils level 4 to train this unit.
  • Must have Architecture level 4 to train this unit.
  • You can at most have 1 of this unit.
  • No housing required.
  • Immortal in combat.
  • Offense increased by 1 for every 12 Mana (no max). All Mana is spent when the unit attacks.
  • Provides 1 jobs.
Immobile and Machine 1,500,000 gold,
750,000 ore,
325,000 lumber,
150,000 gems
Gryphon 100 / 100
  • OP: 100 / DP: 100
  • 10% attrition per tick if capacity limit exceeded.
  • You can at most have 2 of this unit per Gryphon Nest.
  • Cannot be trained.
  • -20% casualties.
  • No housing required.
  • Eats 4 extra food.
Intelligent, Living, Massive, Sentient, and Wild


Workers: Peasant
Draftees: Draftee (DP: 1)
Peasant production: 3 Gold


Resource Construction Buy Sell Improvement Points
Gold Yes 1.00 0.50 1.25
Food 0.50 0.10
Lumber Yes 1.00 0.50 2.50
Ore 1.00 0.50 2.50
Gems 2.00 24.00
Mana 0.08


Building Perks
  • Food production increased by 8% for every 1% (max +40%).
  • 8% population growth rate for every 1% (max 40%).
  • Houses 36 military units.
  • Provides 0 jobs.
  • Houses 0 people.
  • Houses 15 draftees.
  • Drains 2 mana per tick per artefact in the realm.
  • Only effective on up to 5% of land.
  • +10 artefact aegis restoration per tick
  • Defensive power increased by 0.5% for every 1% (max +50% DP).
  • Houses 20 Arbalists.
  • Must be devoted to Barathu Bint to build or use this building.
  • Gold production increased by 2% for every 1% (max +10%).
  • Resource exchange rates improved by 4% for every 1% (max +20%).
  • Spy strength on defense increased by 10% for every 1%.
  • Houses 40 spies and units that count as spies.
  • Houses 0 people.
  • -2% construction costs for every 1% (max 30% reduction).
  • -1.3% construction time for every 1% (max 20% reduction).
  • -1.5% cost of machine units for every 1% (max 15% reduction).
  • Produces 50 food per tick.
Gem Mine
  • Produces 6 gems per tick.
Gold Mine
  • Produces 40 gold per tick.
  • Protects 25000 food from theft.
  • Protects 12500 lumber from theft.
Gryphon Nest
  • Produces 0.0055 Gryphons per tick.
  • Only effective on up to 25% of land.
Guard Tower
  • Defensive power increased by 1.5% for every 1% (max +30% DP).
  • Houses 30 people.
  • Provides 0 jobs.
  • Produces 20 food per tick.
  • XP generation increased by 5% for every 1% (max +25%).
  • Resource exchange rates improved by 4% for every 1% (max +20%).
  • -2.5% defensive casualties for every 1% (max 50% reduction).
  • -2.5% offensive casualties for every 1% (max 50% reduction).
  • 1.25% population growth rate for every 1%.
  • Must be devoted to Mirnon to build or use this building.
  • +3% improvement points from gems for every 1% (max +30%)
  • +3% improvement points from ore for every 1% (max +30%)
Military Academy
  • Prestige gains increased by 5% for every 1% (max +50%)
  • Increases deity perks 10% for every 1% (max +100%)
Ore Mine
  • Produces 35 ore per tick.
  • Must be devoted to Bregon to build or use this building.
  • Houses 36 military units.
  • Houses 0 people.
  • Defensive power increased by 0.3% for every 1% (max +15% DP).
  • Houses 15 draftees.
  • Provides 10 jobs.
  • Must be devoted to Druva to build or use this building.
  • Food production increased by 4% for every 1% (max +40%).
  • Lumber production increased by 4% for every 1% (max +40%).
  • 4% population growth rate for every 1% (max 40%).
  • -4% defensive casualties for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
Saw Mill
  • Produces 35 lumber per tick.
  • Improvements increased by 1.75% for every 1%.
  • Must be devoted to Sazal to build or use this building.
  • Produces 24 mana per tick.
  • +5% spell duration for every 1% (max +100%).
Stone Wall
  • Defensive power increased by 1.25% for every 1% (max +50% DP).
  • Provides 12 raw defensive power.
Syndicate Quarters
  • +2% resources stolen for every 1% (max +40%).
  • -2% cost of spies for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
  • Houses 40 spies and units that count as spies.
  • Houses 0 people.
  • Produces 20 mana per tick.
Training Grounds
  • Offensive power increased by 1.5% for every 1% (max +30% OP)
  • Must be devoted to Ix to build or use this building.
  • Generates 100 XP per tick.
  • You can at most have one per 100 Schools, Chrysalis, Orchards, and Institutes. Unpaired buildings are not effective.
  • Protects 25000 gold from theft.
  • Protects 2500 gems from theft.
  • Protects 10000 ore from theft.
Watch Tower
  • -1.5% defensive modifiers for enemy dominions for every 1% (max -30% or 0% defensive modifiers).
  • Ore production increased by 4% for every 1% (max +20%).
  • Gem production increased by 4% for every 1% (max +20%).
Wizard Guild
  • Wizard strength recovery increased by 0.15% for every 1% (max +3%).
  • Wizard and arch mage training costs decreased by -2% for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
  • Spell mana costs decreased by -2% for every 1% (max 40% reduction).
  • Houses 40 wizards and units that count as wizards.
  • Houses 0 people.


Building Perks
Perk Max Coefficient
Food Production +40% 5,600
Perk Max Coefficient
Mana Production +30% 5,600
Perk Max Coefficient
Construction Costs -20% 4,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Defensive Power +30% 6,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Improvement Points Value From Investments +20% 3,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Spy Strength +40% 6,000
Spy Units Housing +30% 4,500
Perk Max Coefficient
Unit Limit Pairing +100% 10,000
Attrition Protection +50% 5,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Population +20% 4,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Ruler Title Bonus +40% 1,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Lumber Production +30% 5,600
Perk Max Coefficient
Gold Production +20% 4,800
Exchange Rate +20% 6,400
Perk Max Coefficient
Ore Production +30% 5,600
Perk Max Coefficient
Advancements Costs -30% 6,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Offensive Power +30% 6,800
Perk Max Coefficient
Prestige Gains +25% 3,000
Perk Max Coefficient
Wizard Strength +40% 6,000
Wizard Units Housing +30% 4,500


Friendly Passive Spells

Spell Deity Cost Duration Cooldown Effect

Hostile Passive Spells

Spell Deity Cost Duration Cooldown Effect
Blight Any 1.5x 1 ticks None
  • -5% food production
  • -5% lumber production
Earthquake Any 1.5x 1 ticks None
  • -5% ore production
  • -5% gem collection
Elskas' Blur Elskas 0.5x 0.5 ticks 36 ticks
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on theft.
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on sabotage.
Entangle Any 1x 1 ticks None
  • -2% food production
  • -2% lumber production
Plague Any 1x 1 ticks None
  • -25% population growth rate
Seismic Shift Any 1.5x 0.75 ticks None
  • -10% ore production
  • -10% gem collection
Tremors Any 1x 1 ticks None
  • -2% ore production
  • -2% gem collection
Withering Any 3x 0.8 ticks None
  • -10% food production
  • -10% lumber production

Passive Self Spells

Spell Deity Cost Duration Cooldown Effect
Arboreal Abundance Any 8x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% lumber production
Aura Any 10x 24 ticks None
  • -20% sorcery damage suffered
Bountiful Blossom Any 10x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% food production
Bregon's Muster Bregon 12x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • -10% military unit gold costs
  • -10% military unit ore costs
  • -10% military unit lumber costs
  • -6 ticks training time for military units (does not include Spies, Wizards, or Archmages)
Druva's Blessing Druva 6x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +15% food production
  • +15% lumber production
Ecstasy Any 8x 24 ticks None
  • +25% population growth rate
Elskas' Anointment Elskas 10x 24 ticks 72 ticks
  • -25% casualties
Elskas' Vision Elskas 4x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +3% spy strength recovery per tick
Enchanted Banners Any 10x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +20% prestige gains
  • +40% prestige losses
Enhanced Yields Any 0x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% food production
Feast of Azk'Hurum Azk'Hurum 9x 48 ticks None
  • +50% population growth rate
  • +25% food consumption
Fog Any 0x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • Hidden from Insight
Fury of Azk'Hurum Azk'Hurum 7x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +25% enemy casualties when invading
  • +25% enemy casualties when defending
  • +25% food consumption
Glimj's Flood Glimj 12x 1 ticks 192 ticks
  • +50% power from Water Temples
Glimj's Tide Glimj 12x 1 ticks 192 ticks
  • +50% power from Sunken Shrines
Harmony Any 0x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +25% population growth rate
  • -5% offensive power
Ix's Virtue Ix 6x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +20% improvement points value
Magical Disguise Any 0x 36 ticks 72 ticks
  • -100% resources lost to theft
Miner's Fortune Any 12x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% gem collection
Mining Strength Any 8x 24 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% ore production
Mirnon's Fortitude Mirnon 6x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +15% ore production
  • +15% gem collection
Mirnon's Greed Mirnon 6x 12 ticks 192 ticks
  • +20% Gold Mine production
  • +20% Gold Quarry production
  • +25% food consumption
Panopticon Any 10x 36 ticks 92 ticks
  • -25% sabotage damage suffered
Sazal's Vision Sazal 6x 48 ticks 480 ticks
  • +15% mana production
Urugdakh's Crusade Urugdakh 1x 1 ticks 48 ticks
  • +0.02% offensive power for every tick devoted to Urugdakh (max 20%).
  • +10% enemy casualties when invading
  • No land discovered on invasions.
Ward of Life Any 10x 12 ticks 192 ticks
  • -20% casualties
Ward of Protection Any 10x 48 ticks 368 ticks
  • -20% sorcery damage suffered
  • -20% sabotage damage suffered
Zidur's Bane Zidur 9x 12 ticks 92 ticks
  • +10% enemy casualties

Friendly Active Spells

Spell Deity Cost Cooldown Effect

Hostile Active Spells

Spell Deity Cost Cooldown Effect
Blight Any 1.5x None
  • -5% food production
  • -5% lumber production
Earthquake Any 1.5x None
  • -5% ore production
  • -5% gem collection
Elskas' Blur Elskas 0.5x 36 ticks
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on theft.
  • Spies blind to Reptilian spies on sabotage.
Entangle Any 1x None
  • -2% food production
  • -2% lumber production
Plague Any 1x None
  • -25% population growth rate
Seismic Shift Any 1.5x None
  • -10% ore production
  • -10% gem collection
Tremors Any 1x None
  • -2% ore production
  • -2% gem collection
Withering Any 3x None
  • -10% food production
  • -10% lumber production

Active Self Spells

Spell Deity Cost Cooldown Effect
Chain Lightning Any 4x None
  • Destroys +0.08% of the target's improvements.
Fireball Any 1.5x None
  • Kills 0.25% of the target's peasants.
  • Destroys 0.25% of the target's Food.
Firebolt Any 1x None
  • Kills 0.1% of the target's peasants.
  • Destroys 0.10% of the target's Food.
Firestorm Any 3x None
  • Kills 0.5% of the target's peasants.
Lightning Bolt Any 1.5x None
  • Destroys +0.05% of the target's improvements.
Thunderclap Any 1x None
  • Destroys +0.02% of the target's improvements.

Invasion Spells

Spell Deity Effect


Operation Effect
Assassinate Draftees
  • Assassinate draftees (base damage 15%)
Assassinate Peasants
  • Assassinate peasants (base damage 15%)
Magic Snare
  • Reduce wizard strength (base damage 30%)
Sabotage Construction
  • Sabotage buildings under construction (base damage 5%)


Terrain Perks
Plains +0.04% population for every 1% of this terrain.
Forest +0.12% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.06% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Mountains +0.08% ore production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.12% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
Hills +0.1% ore production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.08% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.02% gold production for every 1% of this terrain.
Swamps +0.08% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.08% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Water +0.08% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.01% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.08% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Jungle +0.12% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.06% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Desert +0.04% gold production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Badlands +0.04% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Glacier +0.15% mana production for every 1% of this terrain.
Volcanic +0.06% ore production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% gems production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.02% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.
Wetlands +0.05% food production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.05% lumber production for every 1% of this terrain.
+0.04% defensive power for every 1% of this terrain.